Performance dates
Below is a list of performances featuring works I've written or arranged or indeed that I am part of.
Clarinet & Saxophone Extravaganza
Sunday 2nd March 10.00 - 4.30 @ Wells Cathedral School - World Premiere of a new piece. The next in the series 'Mini to Mighty'
More info here
Sunday 11th May 7pm @ Southampton o2 Guildhall - The BSO & the BSOV will be taking on Abba's favourites. I've made vocal arrangements for SATB
More info here
Duck to Diva
Sunday 1st June 11-5pm @ King Charles Court, Trinity Laban - Workshop day led by Liz Fife finishing in a performace of Duck to Diva. A double Reed piece.
More info here
Wind Dectet Op 1
Friday 18th July 7.30 Malvern - A performance of my wind dectet op1 - A piece I wrote during lockdown for a student project to be recorded digitally.
Details tbc
BSOV Christmas Concert
Saturday 13th December 7.00 BSO and BSOV Christmas concert
Details tbc